Hello, I am new to all of this and I need rookie help. I Rebooted my server from OneProvider dashboard and now my Webmin is not responding. How should I start it ? How to fix that ? Image may be NSFW.
Hi, Can you ping the server or access it via SSH? Also does your server have IPKVM? Danny
i.imgur.com/BrmjFX7.jpg Here is what I have. I don’t know how to access it via SSH. My brother that was taking care of this is abroad, and now I need to deal with this. It seems like this is basics, but I need some help.
Hi, The first thing I would try is to connect in via SSH, have you done this before? Danny
Hey Danny, can you assist me on this ? This is my first time I deal with SSH. My main goal is to start my Webmin.
Hi, You don’t really want to give out access to the server if it is not needed, I would ask OneProvider first, if they can’t help then fire me an email (support@ssdapp.com) and we can maybe help. Danny
Ok, I contacted OneProvider support few hours ago, but still no response. Thanks for offering help. I’ll contact you If they don’t response. (My main concerne is that my game server, portal, forum, blog is all dead because simple reboot command.)
Hi, OK, another thing you could try is the IPMI, this lets you see the console screen of the server, check it is online and booted into the OS. Danny
Hey Danny, Maybe its better to try IPMI at the end if support don’t react.
Server Hosting Tips via OneProvider – Reboot problem.
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